NTEU Spearheads Joint Union Comments to Proposed Dues Rule
NTEU Spearheads Joint Union Comments to Proposed Dues Rule
On Friday, NTEU led a coalition of nine unions in filing comments with the Federal Labor Relations Authority that urged the adoption of a regulation on dues revocations that would codify the system in place before 2020. Under that system, dues revocations would occur during a scheduled window period once per year, as reflected in the legislative history of the underlying statute. The Authority solicited comments on making this change after NTEU filed a petition asking it to do so. NTEU drafted the arguments in favor of the rule change and mobilized the eight other unions to sign on, to show a united front. The union signatories include the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, the American Federation of Teachers, and the National Federation of Federal Employees, among others. The Authority will now decide whether to adopt the union-endorsed regulation. NTEU will update you when the Authority makes its decision. Learn more about our legal work and read back issues of Judicial Notice. |