National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) Chapter 296 -- National Park Service
We are the official Union organization that represents the National Park Service staff in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area, and various locations throughout the continental USA. The mission of NTEU is to organize federal employees to work together to ensure that every federal employee is treated with dignity and respect."
New email (not through the NPS system.)
Please contact us through this email. You can also use the "contact us" form of this website
Probationary Employees:
the chapter has a new email address where you can reach us- NTEU296stewards@gmail.comPlease especially take note if you are a probationary employee and need to reach us. We understand that you received official notice of termination from federal service today.We recommend the following:-
Download and save to a personal device your SF-50, W-2, Position Description (PD), and EPAPs (if you have them)
Collect and save all emails from supervisors, clients, and colleagues that praised your performance
Email your supervisor to confirm the cause of the termination and copy the union (nteu296stewards@gmail.com).
Send an email with your personal email to the Chapter Gmail account (above) letting us know of your termination.
Review Article 28 (p 84-85) of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, which can be found on the Chapter website (NTEUChapter296.org).
In solidarity,NTEU Chapter 296What's New at NTEU 296 Paused -