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READ -- Article 36 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement – Page 98
Lots of Information
Updated to Reflect Cases and Experience
Explains what the requirements intend to accomplish
Supersedes NPS and DOI Policy issued after 2017
Most supervisors haven’t received specific training on the CBA
READ: -- Benchmarks
General Applicability --Every Rating Level has one.
Echo the Language of the benchmarks in your accomplishments
Exceptional/Outstanding Examples
Move Your Program Ahead
Do the work of several people
Do work better or sooner
READ – Customized Rating Factors/Performance Indicators
Echo the language of the rating factors in your accomplishments
RESEARCH – Think Broadly
Work Diary, Calendars, etc.
Pandemic – Working Remotely
Written Words of Praise – Internal or External
Star Awards, etc.
Witnesses, Customers, Team Members, etc.
Rotating Supervisors. -- Article 36, Section 7 Page 103 -- Interim appraisals
Mid-year or Other Meeting Notes on Performance
Changing Circumstances
Sudden Projects
Adjustments; you should seek credit for what you have done but you can’t be held responsible for activities that you don’t know are going to be evaluated on.
You will remember better than your supervisor
You should do the writing of your accomplishments
Take Charge of Your Fate
Building a Record for a Third Party
You can get material added to the official record despite any limits that your supervisor might set.
90 Days to Fairly Evaluate
30 Days from End of Performance Period to Complete Appraisal
To the Extent Possible, 10 Calendar Days to Appeal. Sleep On It, Then Act
If there are problems, contact a Union Official – Karen Mudar & Paloma Bolasny, Chief Stewards -- in a timely fashion.