What's New/General Information and/or News
Rally to Protect Federal Employees Tuesday, Feb. 11 |
Join Rally to Protect Federal Employees
Next Tuesday, February 11th AFGE will be hosting a rally on Capitol Hill to call on Congress to protect the civil service and preserve the rights of federal workers! Join us in standing strong together with our fellow union members. See you there!
Rally Information:
What: Rally with AFGE.
Telework status (1/29/2025) |
The existing CBA (2017) contains telework provisions that protect employees. See Article 11 in the CBA, pages 35-41. A date in April has been set for an arbitration hearing in the grievance case that the Union filed late last year.
What We Know at This Time |
What We Know at This Time (1/29/2025)
As you are aware, there has been a flurry of Executive Orders coming from the new administration, including several that deal with federal employee issues. The Union has been receiving a lot of questions from employees who are understandably concerned.
Coming Soon! Free Tax Prep Benefit for Eligible Members |
Coming Soon! Free Tax Prep Benefit for Eligible Members
Eligible NTEU members will soon have access to free TaxSlayer tax preparation software on NTEU.org. The software includes federal and state tax returns, free filing, built-in assistance to answer your questions, is cloud-based and has a Spanish-language version.
A Message from NTEU |
Dear NTEU Members:
As a new administration prepares to take office, I am sure that some of you are concerned about potential threats to federal employees. As a long-time federal employee, I share your concern about the increasing anti-federal employee rhetoric, including from those who speak in support of firing federal employees in political retaliation.
NTEU Mourns President Jimmy Carter |
NTEU Mourns President Jimmy Carter
We join the nation in mourning the death of former President Jimmy Carter, whose dedication to public service and humanitarian work has left an indelible mark on our country.
Chapter Members Ratify the new CBA! |
Chapter Members Ratify the new CBA!
On December 3, 2024, members of both WASO – NTEU Chapter #296 – and NCR – NTEU Chapter #336 – voted unanimously to ratify the new Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between NTEU and NPS. Thanks to all members who attended the briefing meeting earlier this week and the ratification meeting yesterday to cast their votes.
NPS-2025Contract-Hightlights (002).pdf
CBA Meetings (informational and ratification) |
Chapter 296 Member:
Below are two registration links. The first is for the Informational Session on Dec. 2nd where NTEU chapter leaders will review the updates to our Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA draft attached) that is up for ratification and answer any questions members may have. The second link is for the Dec. 4th meeting where members can vote to ratify the CBA.
NTEU Wins Another Fight for Back Pay—More Than $21 Million |
NTEU Wins Another Fight for Back Pay—More Than $21 Million
Employees at Customs and Border Protection represented by NTEU will share more than $21 million in back pay as part of a new settlement agreement.
The agreement implements an arbitration victory in one national grievance and settles other, related national and local grievances.
Credit Monitoring Services for Federal Employees Still Active |
Credit Monitoring Services for Federal Employees Still Active
Credit monitoring and identity theft protection services provided to federal employees after the 2015 cybersecurity incidents at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) remain active for two more years.
NTEU Defends Representational Rights of DOE, NPS Employees |
NTEU Defends Representational Rights of DOE, NPS Employees
NTEU recently fought—and won—to ensure that two groups of employees have the rights, benefits and protections of union representation.
The union went to bat for remote work employees at the Department of Energy headquarters.
NTEU Welcomes Federal Trade Commission Employees to Our Union |
NTEU Welcomes Federal Trade Commission Employees to Our Union
Employees at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) voted overwhelmingly for NTEU to be their exclusive representative. We are thrilled to add them to our union family.
The new NTEU Chapter 344 will represent about 820 FTC employees in Washington D.C.
The Washington Post Launches Series on Public Servants |
The Washington Post Launches Series on Public Servants
The Washington Post today published its first installment in a series exploring who is our federal government and what is at stake when politicians say they want to expand or dismantle it. Seven writers spoke directly to frontline federal employees and each feature focuses on a different agency.
Happy Labor Day! |
The NTEU family has much to celebrate this Labor Day! Our membership is on the rise and that positions us well for building a brighter future for each other.
With the resurgence of organized labor across the country, workers from all industries and professions are finding their voices through organizing campaigns, union elections and collective bargaining.
NTEU Wins Overtime Pay for 100 PTO Employees |
NTEU Wins Overtime Pay for 100 PTO Employees
Approximately 100 NTEU-represented employees at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) will soon have the proper overtime protections and will receive back pay plus liquidated damages for unpaid overtime going back to 2018.
Chapter 296 wins arbitration |
NTEU 296 wins arbitration
NTEU Grievance Wins $300,000 for Five NPS Employees With support from NTEU’s national field attorneys, the Chapter won significant financial awards for five NPS employees whose detail assignments at the Horace Albright Training Center (HOAL) ended abruptly.
Greenwald Talks Value of Diverse Perspectives in the Workplace |
Greenwald Talks Value of Diverse Perspectives in the Workplace
National President Doreen Greenwald sat down with Federal News Network to discuss the importance of fostering an environment where diverse perspectives are not just heard but valued. Greenwald describes how her conversations with federal employees and her own career in the federal workforce shape how she leads the union.
Greenwald Appointed to Federal Salary Council |
Greenwald Appointed to Federal Salary Council
President Biden has appointed National President Doreen Greenwald to the Federal Salary Council, a panel of federal employment experts that advises the administration on issues related to federal employee pay. Greenwald will use this position to fight for fair federal salaries and make public service a more competitive choice.
GAO Publishes Report on Paid Parental Leave Usage |
GAO Publishes Report on Paid Parental Leave Usage
Four percent of federal employees who responded to the 2022 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) said they used parental leave between October 2020—when the benefit was first implemented—and July 2022. Of those who used the benefit, 81 percent said they took advantage of the full 12 weeks of paid leave.
You’re Invited to a Webinar on Defined Benefits |
You’re Invited to a Webinar on Defined Benefits
United Benefits is hosting an exclusive webinar on Tuesday, Feb. 13 on the Value of Your Defined Benefits. The webinar will cover how your retirement amount is calculated, benefits available for spouses, the true value of your pension, early and deferred retirement and more.
NTEU Members Can Access Free Tax Preparation Benefit |
NTEU Members Can Access Free Tax Preparation Benefit
Starting in early February, NTEU members with an adjusted gross income (AGI) of $79,000 or less will be able to take advantage of a free tax preparation benefit for filing your federal and state income taxes.
NTEU National year in photos |
Our 85th Anniversary Year is coming to a close but you can take a look back at the events, celebrations and memories in our year-end photo gallery. Drawing from chapter events, NTEU meetings, training conferences and bargaining tables, take a look at the faces that gathered together to fight for employees, build community and celebrate each other.
Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increases for 2024 |
Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increases for 2024
The Internal Revenue Service has increased the reimbursement rate for 2024 to 67 cents, up 1.5 cents from 2023, when using a personal vehicle for business purposes. The General Services Administration, which sets the rate for the federal workforce, tracks the IRS rate for private sector employees.
Flexible Spending Account Limits Will Increase in 2024 |
Flexible Spending Account Limits Will Increase in 2024
The Internal Revenue Service announced that the Health Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA) contribution limit will increase from $3,050 to $3,200 in 2024.
This program allows federal employees to set aside an annual pre-tax amount they anticipate spending for out-of-pocket health, dental and vision expenses.
Webinar on Nov. 14 Offers Tips for Comparing FEHBP Plans |
Webinar on Nov. 14 Offers Tips for Comparing FEHBP Plans
NTEU members can register for a free webinar presented by United Benefits exploring the different plan options available this Federal Benefits Open Season. The “FEHBP Deep Dive” webinar will be offered during three sessions on Tuesday, Nov. 14.
This year’s open season kicks off Nov. 13 and runs through Dec. 11.
NTEU Defeats Agency Proposal to Cut Telework |
NTEU Defeats Agency Proposal to Cut Telework
Employees at the Federal Election Commission will be able to keep their expanded telework program after the Federal Service Impasses Panel rejected the agency’s plan to scale it back.
New Shutdown Page Available Exclusively to Members |
New Shutdown Page Available Exclusively to Members
NTEU has launched a new webpage exclusively for members with news, information and FAQs on a government shutdown. We will update the page frequently with new information and resources as they become available.
Update Your Personal Contact Information |
Can We Reach You? Update Your Personal Contact Information
If there is a government shutdown, NTEU will need to communicate with members using personal email addresses since some employees will not have access to their government accounts. Be sure we can reach you by updating your contact information on NTEU.org.
To check or update your information, log into NTEU.
9/11 |
NTEU remembers and honors the victims of the September 11 attacks and their families, along with the first responders and federal employees who helped in the aftermath.
Sept11-2023 Flier.pdf
Treasury Report Shows Powerful Benefits of Unions |
Treasury Report Shows Powerful Benefits of Unions
Ahead of Labor Day, the Treasury Department yesterday released its report on how unions contribute to a more robust and resilient economy. According to the report, unions play an important role in addressing longstanding challenges including stagnant wages and high housing costs, while improving working conditions.
Happy Labor Day! |
Happy Labor Day!
As we celebrate the contributions of unions and workers across our country, the Treasury Department issued a report on unions that confirms what we already know—unions are good for the country, the economy and workers.
At the same time, support for unions among the American public remains high, according to a new poll released by Gallup.
Income-Driven Student Loan Repayment Plans Available |
Income-Driven Student Loan Repayment Plans Available
NTEU is reminding our members that there are other paths to student loan forgiveness following the Supreme Court decision blocking the Biden administration’s student loan forgiveness plan. One option for federal employees with outstanding student loan debt is an income-driven repayment plan.
NTEU Welcomes FHFA Employees to the Union |
NTEU Welcomes FHFA Employees to the Union
Frontline employees of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) voted overwhelmingly for NTEU to be their exclusive representative.
The new bargaining unit is made up of about 500 non-supervisory employees at the Washington D.C. headquarters.
NPS - Chapter 296 - Win Gets Higher Rating |
NPS - Chapter 296 - Win Gets Higher Rating
If you earn a rating of Exceeded Expectations, you should receive it. That’s at the heart of a grievance NTEU won on behalf of six National Park Service (NPS) employees and new members of Chapter 296 (NPS Headquarters).While on detail in the Grand Canyon, all six received ratings of FullySuccessful.
President Reardon Talks NTEU Milestones on Podcast |
President Reardon Talks NTEU Milestones on Podcast
On Friday’s America’s Workforce Union podcast, National President Tony Reardon reflected on his two terms at the union’s helm and more than 33 years with NTEU before he retires next week.
Reardon Warns of Plot Against Civil Service in Op-Ed |
Reardon Warns of Plot Against Civil Service in Op-Ed
National President Tony Reardon took on the biggest threat he sees affecting the federal workforce: the accelerating plot to dismantle the merit-based civil service.
Greenwald, Muni Elected to Top NTEU Positions |
Greenwald, Muni Elected to Top NTEU Positions
NTEU members today elected longtime federal employee and former Chapter 1 (IRS Wisconsin) leader Doreen Greenwald as the next National President.
Greenwald has been National Executive Vice President since 2021 and was unopposed in the election for the National President.
A Message from Tony |
Dear NTEU Members:
This will be the last message I send as NTEU National President, and it is altogether appropriate that my final words from this desk are to the members of this great union.
You are the lifeblood of NTEU, and it has been the honor of my professional life to represent you.
Juneteenth Flier |
Juneteenth National Independence Day is Monday, June 19. NTEU will join the nation in celebrating this important holiday marking the end of slavery. Attached is a flier to share with employees.
Juneteenth Flier (Attach).pdf
End of Public Health Emergency Brings Changes to FEHBP Coverage |
End of Public Health Emergency Brings Changes to FEHBP Coverage
With the May 11 end of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency comes changes to coverage under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP).
The Office of Personnel Management released public health emergency transition guidelines to FEHBP carriers.
FEVS Begins Next Month; NTEU Encourages Members to Participate |
FEVS Begins Next Month; NTEU Encourages Members to Participate
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) announced that the 2023 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) will be administered in two waves over two consecutive weeks beginning in early May.
OPM administers the survey annually to gather information on employee satisfaction, supervisors, work environment and more.
Retiree membership |
As NTEU members and bargaining unit employees approach retirement, there is great value in becoming retiree members of the union. Retiree membership is only $42 per year and comes with all the benefits of NTEU membership along with the knowledge that retirees can support NTEU’s ongoing efforts to ensure their retirement benefits remain in place.
A Message from the National President |
NTEU Members,
I have personal news I want to share directly with each of you. Today, I am announcing that I will not seek a third term as your National President. I will be retiring on Aug. 10, 2023, at the end of my current term.
I confess that this was a very difficult decision.
NTEU Webinar on Workplace Discrimination |
NPS Employees
Learn About Addressing Discrimination in the Workplace
You’re invited to a webinar on Wed., March 29 at noon (ET) that will outline the steps you can take to address discriminatory actions in the workplace.
Check Your TSP Beneficiary Designations |
A Reminder to Check Your TSP Beneficiary Designations
Thrift Savings Program investors will recall the new records management system that was implemented last summer.
During that transition, beneficiary information for some investors was not carried over from the old system into the new system.
Free Tax Preparation Benefit Available Now for Eligible Members |
Free Tax Preparation Benefit Available Now for Eligible Members
Starting today, NTEU members can visit our website for free access to TaxSlayer tax preparation software for federal and state returns and free electronic filing.
As a reminder, the IRS has imposed an income limit on the program of an adjusted gross income (AGI) of $73,000 per filer or return, if filing jointly.
Honoring Fallen NTEU Law Enforcement Members |
SUMMARY: On Thursday, March 2 at 10:00 a.m. ET, NTEU will honor our fallen NTEU law enforcement members by conducting a wreath laying ceremony in conjunction with our Annual Legislative Conference in Washington, DC.
On Thursday, March 2 at 10:00 a.m.
3rd NTEU chapter at BLM |
SUMMARY: Employees of the Bureau of Land Management’s Northwest Oregon
District have voted for NTEU representation.
I am very pleased to report that employees of the Department of Interior, Bureau of Land
Management’s (BLM) Northwest Oregon District voted to affiliate with NTEU, and the FLRA
has now certified NTEU as the exclusive representative of these employees.
NTEU - 85 years - Bulletin |
The latest issue of the NTEU Bulletin highlights what NTEU has accomplished both this year and over 85 years:
NTEU Members Can Access Free Tax Preparation Benefit |
NTEU Members Can Access Free Tax Preparation Benefit
NTEU members with incomes of $73,000 or less can take advantage of a free tax preparation benefit for filing your 2022 federal and state income taxes. The exclusive benefit is available only to NTEU members and includes access to free Tax Slayer software that can be used for federal and state returns.
Open Season is Here—Members Get Free Access to Consumers’ Checkbook |
Open Season is Here—Members Get Free Access to Consumers’ Checkbook
Federal Benefits Open Season kicked off yesterday and runs through Dec. 12. During this time, NTEU members have free, exclusive access to Consumers’ Checkbook Online Guide to Health Plans for Federal Employees and Annuitants.
DOL Highlights Benefits of a Union Presence |
DOL Highlights Benefits of a Union Presence
There are significant advantages to having a union in the workplace, as NTEU members already know, and the Department of Labor has the data to prove it.
Voter Registration Deadlines Approaching! |
Voter Registration Deadlines Approaching!
With just over 30 days until election day, voter registration deadlines are approaching in many states and NTEU wants to make sure you are registered to vote.
As a federal employee, the outcome of the midterm elections directly impacts your work life and ability to provide for your family.
BLM’s Rio Puerco Employees Vote to Join NTEU |
BLM’s Rio Puerco Employees Vote to Join NTEU
Employees at the Bureau of Land Management’s Rio Puerco field office in New Mexico voted to join NTEU yesterday. The New Mexico employees help manage federal lands outside Albuquerque.
With this election victory, the bargaining unit employees are now part of NTEU Chapter 340 (BLM New Mexico).
NEW! Member Benefit Offers Supplemental Insurance, Free College Degree |
NEW! Member Benefit Offers Supplemental Insurance, Free College Degree
NTEU members now have access to supplemental insurance programs and free higher education opportunities through a new partnership with Optavise.
Supplemental health insurance pays cash directly to members to help offset non-medical expenses from a critical illness or accidental injury.
Member Contact Information Campaign |
SUMMARY: NTEU is launching our annual June campaign encouraging members to update their personal contact information on NTEU.org. Members who update their contact information this month will be entered into a drawing to win one of two $100 Visa eGift Cards. Attached is a message that will be sent to employees for whom we do not have a personal email address and/or cellphone number.
The Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey is Underway |
he Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey is Underway
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) announced that the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) is returning to a late spring schedule. This year's survey will be issued in two waves, with the first rolling out this week and a second group of agencies administering the survey next week.
What to Do If You Received a W-2c Form |
What to Do If You Received a W-2c Form
Just when federal employees thought they were done dealing with the 2020 deferral – and repayment -- of their Social Security taxes, one more tax form shows up in the mail to cause even more confusion.
Remote Work and Telework forms |
Link to Remote Work and Telework Forms:
on the Inside NPS sharepoint site.
The 2021 FEVS Begins Next Month |
he 2021 FEVS Begins Next Month
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) last week announced that it will begin administering the 2021 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) during the first week of November. The government-wide survey asks employees about their views on work, agencies, supervisors and more.
NTEU: Updated FAQs on Vaccine (10/7/2021) |
SUMMARY: NTEU has updated its Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page in response to the guidance issued by the Safe Federal Workforce Task Force on reasonable accommodations as exceptions to the vaccine mandate.
Earlier this week, the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force issued additional guidance to agencies on reasonable accommodations.
UPdated FAQs - Employee Message.pdf
Health Insurance Costs for Federal Employees to Increase in 2022 |
Health Insurance Costs for Federal Employees to Increase in 2022
Federal employees and retirees on average will pay 3.8 percent more for health insurance in 2022, a lower price increase than last year but still a noticeable cut to take-home pay for federal employees around the country.
Updated Vaccine Mandate Guidance on Reasonable Accommodations (10/5/2021) |
Updated Vaccine Mandate Guidance on Reasonable Accommodations
The Safer Federal Workforce Task Force yesterday issued guidance on reasonable accommodations as exceptions to the vaccine mandate.
The Task Force provided templates for agencies to use to develop forms for employees to request medical and religious exemptions.
Additional Details on Vaccine Requirement Released (10/1/2021) |
Additional Details on Vaccine Requirement Released
The Safer Federal Workforce Task Force has released additional details on the vaccine mandate in new FAQs and during a briefing with NTEU earlier this week. The new information largely covers issues surrounding enforcement of the requirement. All of this information and more are available on NTEU's newly-updated FAQs page.
2022 FEHBP Rates Announced |
SUMMARY: Today, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) announced the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program’s premium rates would increase an average 2.4 percent in 2022, with an average increase for employees of 3.8 percent.
Vaccination Deadlines |
As many of you know, President Biden has issued an Executive Order requiring that all federal employees, including those who are teleworking or working remotely, must be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 by November 22, 2021.
Happy Labor Recognition Week! |
Happy Labor Recognition Week!
It’s Labor Recognition Week and I am pleased to share a special message with you. At NTEU, we believe every LRW is a special occasion, but this year’s merits special recognition.
ICYMI: Reardon Talks Federal Pay Raise on Government Matters |
ICYMI: Reardon Talks Federal Pay Raise on Government Matters
Last week, National President Tony Reardon appeared on television's Government Matters to discuss the administration’s plan to give federal employees a 2.7 percent pay increase for 2022.
Reardon called this a “very good start” and reiterated that NTEU continues to push strongly for a 3.
Approval of Labor Unions is the Highest Since 1965 |
Approval of Labor Unions is the Highest Since 1965
Americans' approval of unions has been ticking upward in recent years and is now at its highest point in more than half a century.
According to Gallup, which has been tracking Americans’ perceptions of labor unions since the 1930s, approval of unions is at 68 percent, the highest it has been since 1965.
A Labor Day Message from the National President |
The first Labor Day parade was held in 1882 when unions in New York threw a parade that drew more than 20,000 people—even though they had to give up a day’s pay to march.
This year’s Labor Day celebrations will likely be much smaller and more subdued than this first one nearly 140 years ago, due to the ongoing pandemic.
Biden Announces Vaccine Policy |
Biden Announces Vaccine Policy
President Biden today announced the outline of a new vaccine policy for federal employees. While we have the broad strokes, NTEU has many questions about how and when the policy will be rolled out across the government, including how the rights of employees will be protected.
Here is what we know. The new policy is not a mandate for vaccinations.
Reardon Addresses Workplace Reopenings on Government Matters |
Reardon Addresses Workplace Reopenings on Government Matters
National President Tony Reardon appeared on television's Government Matters yesterday to discuss concerns some employees have raised about returning to the office and what NTEU wants to see in agency re-entry plans.
Juneteenth Holiday to Become Law; Observed Today (Friday) |
Juneteenth Holiday to Become Law; Observed Tomorrow
Most federal employees will have a paid day off tomorrow, June 18, in the first-ever federal recognition of Juneteenth.
President Biden is scheduled to sign the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act this afternoon at 3:30 p.m. (ET), declaring June 19 a national holiday.
United Benefits - retirement webinar |
United Benefits is one of NTEU National's long-time partners and they've conducted in person retirement briefings for our chapter in past years, if you recall. They're offering a webinar that looks like it would be useful for our members to access.
Reminder: Additional Carryover Leave Must Be Used in 2021 |
Reminder: Additional Carryover Leave Must Be Used in 2021
The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 allowed federal employees to carry over up to 60 hours of additional unused annual leave into 2021. That additional leave must be used by the end of the year and before any other annual leave available to the employee.
NTEU Proceeds with Lawsuit Alleging 2018-19 Shutdown Violated FLSA |
NTEU Proceeds with Lawsuit Alleging 2018-19 Shutdown Violated FLSA
NTEU continues to pursue its lawsuit alleging the former administration violated the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) by failing to timely pay employees required to work during the 2018-2019 partial government shutdown.
Excused Absence for Adverse Reaction Due to the COVID-19 Vaccine |
Excused Absence for Adverse Reaction Due to the COVID-19 Vaccine
The Safer Federal Workforce taskforce has encouraged, and DOI has determined to grant, up to two full workdays of administrative leave (pay code 060) for recovery from an adverse reaction to a COVID-19 vaccine (i.e.
Surveys Confirm Federal Employee Support For Telework |
Surveys Confirm Federal Employee Support For Telework
In an NTEU survey, more than 13,800 frontline federal employees from 33 agencies and departments shared their experiences teleworking during the past year. According to the survey, 92 percent called their telework experience “successful” and two-thirds reported an uptick in productivity.
Black History Month |
In honor of Black History Month, NTEU is celebrating the contributions of two pioneers in medicine. Dr. Rebecca Lee Crumpler was the first Black female physician in the United States, and Mary Eliza Mahoney was the first Black woman awarded a nursing degree. Attached are fliers celebrating these trailblazers.
A New Exclusive Benefit - Tax Paying Benefits |
Coming Soon! A New Exclusive Benefit
Tax season is just around the corner and NTEU is pleased to announce that all NTEU members can soon prepare their taxes and file them free of charge by using a new NTEU member benefit. This exclusive benefit gives you free access to TaxSlayer tax preparation software for your federal and state return and free electronic filing for both.
NTEU on events at U.S. Capitol |
I am deeply saddened and angry by what occurred this afternoon at the U.S. Capitol Building. Like some of you, I have spent time in that building, and stand in awe of what it represents and the public servants it houses each day.
Our union stands with everyone at the Capitol—faithful public servants who have chosen to serve their country.
Repayments of Payroll Tax Deferral |
More Details on Repayments of Payroll Tax Deferral
Last week, NTEU informed members that the repayment of the payroll tax deferral that was forced on federal employees will begin in the current pay period for employees whose payroll is handled by the National Finance Center.
Page Last Updated: Feb 06, 2025 (12:13:00)