Happy Labor Day!
As we celebrate the contributions of unions and workers across our country, the Treasury Department issued a report on unions that confirms what we already know—unions are good for the country, the economy and workers.
At the same time, support for unions among the American public remains high, according to a new poll released by Gallup.
As an NTEU member, you are part of the larger movement to improve benefits and working conditions for federal employees. Federal employees have a long list of workplace rights and protections—higher pay, a secure retirement, paid parental leave and so much more—because you are a member of our union. And that is reason to be proud and celebrate.
The Treasury report credits unions with contributing to a thriving middle-class and economy by helping to improve pay, benefits, working conditions and scheduling practices. And by the way, that is the case for all workers, whether they are union members or not. Americans agree that unions help their members and raise wages and working conditions for non-unionized employees.
The Gallup poll showed strong support for workers in some of the most current high-profile labor disputes including the UAW and striking Hollywood writers and actors. Solidarity rocks!
Unions are also good for communities, Treasury reports. Union members are more likely to vote, donate to charity and participate in neighborhood projects—and their higher pay and job security leads to more stable housing and investments in education.
As unionized employees, NTEU members should take great pride in playing a part of this larger labor movement. Whether you will be spending the Labor Day holiday with family and friends or on the job in service to our country, thank you.
We Are NTEU!