Settlement Reached in OPM Data Breach Lawsuit
Settlement Reached in OPM Data Breach Lawsuit The U.S. Department of Justice and counsel for plaintiffs in the class action lawsuits arising from the OPM data breaches have reached a settlement. The breach of millions of personnel records was announced in June 2015. The settlement must be approved by the court, which will take several Any NTEU members who believe that they may have a right to recover do not need to take any action now. There will be a website created with more information about the settlement and instructions on how to file a claim. We will provide a link to that website as soon as it goes live. NTEU members are covered by the pending class action lawsuits, which were filed by multiple law firms and consolidated into one case, and may be eligible for compensation as described below. The settlement allows individuals to recover for losses stemming from the breaches if they can show, through a claims process, that they have incurred compensable losses. A copy of the settlement can be found |