Honoring Fallen NTEU Law Enforcement Members
SUMMARY: On Thursday, February 29, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. ET, NTEU will honor our fallen NTEU law enforcement members by conducting a wreath laying ceremony in conjunction with our annual Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C. NTEU will honor our fallen law enforcement members by conducting a wreath laying ceremony in conjunction with our annual Legislative Conference at the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, D.C. This year we are honored to highlight that our fellow NTEU members, Chapter President Bill Larkin (IRS Chapter 62) will be playing the bagpipes, and the invocation will be delivered by Minister and Chapter President Terry Scott (IRS Chapter 26 ). Shuttle bus service will be provided from the Hilton Hotel to the Law Enforcement Memorial starting at 9:15AM. All Legislative Conference attendees and local area members are invited to attend the ceremony. Following the event, we will share news and photos of the observance with our members. I encourage everyone to take a moment to honor and remember our NTEU members who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Please contact Amy Green via email at Amy.Green@nteu.org with any questions. |