Are you a card carrying union member? Would you like to be?
Simply fill out the form sf1187 and submit it
Step 1: Download sf1187 form pre-signed by NTEU and customized for our chapter (296)
Step 2: Fill it out in Adobe
Step 3: Follow the easy notes on how to complete the form
Step 3: Save the pdf with a file name of your name (or your initials) _nteu_date
For example jeff_joeckel_nteu_06112020.pdf
Step 4: send it to either member of the NTEU Chapter 296 Membership Committee (currently John Renaud or Christine Lipsky) You can use their work emails: firstname_lastname(at)nps.gov
(We had a number of phishing/spam attacks which is why we are not putting their actual email on the site, but you can look them up in the email directory.)
Are you a retiree?
Then use the NTEU Retiree Membership Form
Dues Chart