NTEU has an arrangement with a firm that provides representation in federal disability retirement claims under which NTEU members will receive representation at significantly reduced rates.
Summary: NTEU has an arrangement with a firm that provides representation in federal disability retirement claims under which NTEU members will receive representation at significantly reduced rates. NTEU has negotiated a benefit with the Harris Federal Law Firm in Lexington, Kentucky, under which NTEU members may obtain representation in a disability retirement claim at significantly reduced rates. The Harris firm is a reputable firm specializing in handling disability retirement claims for federal employees across the country. NTEU members receive $1,000 off of Harris Federal’s current flat fee of $6,000 for filing and pursuing the claim through the first and second OPM denials and through the initial appeal at the Merit System Protection Board (MSPB). Additionally, there is a $500 discount if the fee is paid in full at the beginning of representation, for a total discount of $1,500 off the regular fee By offering this benefit, NTEU is not urging members to obtain professional representation for all disability retirement claims. In many cases, members will be able to establish their disability without paying for representation, especially when the agency supports the claim, or costs concerns may preclude professional representation. Under those circumstances, paying for representation to pursue a disability retirement claim may not be in the member’s best interest. But there may be instances where professional representation is worthwhile to the member because they anticipate the claim will be disputed, they want to ensure the claim is properly supported for expeditious processing, and/or they simply want to let experienced professionals handle it. That is why we negotiated this benefit. To provide you with more information about this benefit, I have attached a brochure provided by the Harris Firm. Their web site address is www.federaldisability.com, and their toll-free number is (877) 226-2723. Representatives of Harris Federal are also available to make local presentations to your chapter. Download: HarrisFedDisabilityRtrmt(Attach).pdf |