NTEU Chapter 296
National Park Service
  • Duties of Executive Board
    Jan 07, 2021

    Duties of Executive Board

    The Chapter 296 Adopted Bylaws lay out the duties of the executive board. 

    Section 4.        Duties

    The President’s duties shall be:

    1. to appoint and remove stewards, including a Chief Steward; 
    2. to issue proper notice calling meetings of the Chapter and the Executive Board pursuant to Part IV, Section 3 and Part V, Sections 2 and 3 of these Bylaws; 
    3. to preside at all regular and special meetings of the Chapter and Executive Board; 
    4. to appoint chairpersons of all standing committees pursuant to Part IX of these Bylaws;
    5. to appoint all committee members and maintain ex officio membership of each;
    6. to represent and act as spokesperson for the Chapter in all matters;
    7. to sign all documents pertaining to official business of the Chapter;
    8. to name a Chairperson of the Membership Committee;
    9. to name a Chairperson of the Legislative Committee;
    10. to appoint an Editor of the Chapter newsletter; and
    11. to perform all other duties as are necessary to protect and advance the interests of the membership.
    12. Countersign all checks drawn against the funds of the chapter

    The First and Second Vice President’s duties shall be as follows.

    1. The First Vice President or in her/his absence, the Second Vice President shall perform the duties of the President during the President’s absence or inability to serve.
    2. Both Vice Presidents shall  serve as  assistants to the President

    In addition to the responsibility as a member of the Executive Board, each Vice President’s duties shall be:

    1. to contribute information and articles to the Chapter newsletter editor;
    2.  as assigned by the President, to coordinate the activities of the membership committee under the direction of the President, and to build membership to the highest possible level;
    3. to report directly to the President any an all problems of the members and to keep the President informed as to the progress in solving these problems; and
    4. to distribute information and assist the President as his/her spokesperson.
    5. Upon approval by the Executive Board, be authorized to act as a co-signer of checks drawn on the funds of the chapter in place of the President or Treasurer.

    The duties of the Secretary will be:

    1. to record and keep minutes on all meetings of the Chapter and the Executive Board;
    2. to conduct each correspondence as may be necessary or as the President shall direct; and maintain copies in a permanent file;
    3. to maintain custody of all books, records, papers and effects of the Chapter, and transfer these items to his/her successor at termination of his/her tenure of office;
    4. to distribute literature, copies of documents and other communications to the Chapter members;
    5. to prepare and maintain a calendar of Chapter events for proper planning and coordination with other Chapter officers and Committee Chairpersons; and
    6. to maintain a correct and current record of the membership with the name, address and dues status of each member.

      The duties of the Treasurer shall be:

    1.  to receive and deposit all funds of the Chapter in a depository approved by the Executive Board;
    2. to make payments from funds as authorized by the President or Executive Board, and to maintain a petty cash fund in an amount as determined by the Executive Board and prepare and sign checks for such purposes as required by the constitution or are authorized by the Executive Board;
    3.  to remit promptly to the Administrative Controller of the National Headquarters Office, as provided by the National Constitution, per capita dues collected from the members of the Chapter and to send an accompanying list of those members;
    4. to submit financial reports and other reports as requested by the Executive Board;
    5. to provide the Secretary with dues information necessary for the Secretary to maintain an updated membership roster;
    6. to submit the Chapter books and accounts for audit on the demand of the Executive Board;
    7. to furnish a surety bond to the Chapter, the premium of such bond to be paid by the Chapter;
    8. to prepare and file Internal Revenue Form 990 and Department of Labor LM forms; 
    9. to keep an accurate and current record of all receipts and expenditures of the Chapter, according to accepted accounting procedures, and 
    10. to provide the Chapter's members a report on Chapter income and expenditures at the Chapter's annual meeting and at such other times that the Executive Board requests.

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    February 12, 2025

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