SUMMARY: Employees of the Bureau of Land Management’s Headquarters Office have voted for NTEU representation.
I am very pleased to report that, today, employees of the Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Headquarters Office voted to elect NTEU as their exclusive representative. This election victory is the culmination of the work of a persistent group of employees in offices assigned to BLM HQ who want BLM employees to have a meaningful voice in their workplaces. They began to bring about that change by organizing their coworkers and garnering united support for NTEU. I also recognize and commend the leadership of
Chapter 340, BLM New Mexico State Office, with the assistance of the NTEU Organizing Department, for their tireless efforts in helping to make this happen.
This election win is even more admirable because it was accomplished during a pandemic, when traditional organizing events like workplace meetings have generally not been an option. As we work with our BLM HQ members to build a strong, vibrant chapter, we will continue our outreach to BLM employees in other offices across the country in an effort to further strengthen and build on the momentum of our BLM units.
The chapter I charter for this new unit will be placed in District 10 and will be represented and supported by the D.C. Field Office. Please join me in celebrating our latest chapter and welcoming our newest BLM NTEU members.
Anthony M. Reardon National President