House Passes Compromise FY 2022 National Defense Authorization Act
Last night, the House passed a compromise version of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), S. 1605, by a vote of 363 to 70. As the Senate struggled to reach an agreement on which amendments to consider and end debate on the bill, which passed the House in September, House and Senate leaders came together to reach a bipartisan agreement to ensure timely passage of the legislation. The Senate is expected to pass the bill in the coming days. Of particular interest to federal workers, the legislation would restore, starting in 2023, the one-year probationary period for new civilian employees in the Department of Defense to ensure they are treated the same as most other federal workers. Since 2016, new DOD employees have been subject to a two-year probationary period, which provides employees with only limited job protections. The bill also would provide all federal employees up to two weeks of paid parental bereavement leave. I will keep you updated on additional developments. Anthony M. Reardon National President |