The administration released an outline of the President’s Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Request
The administration released an outline of the President’s Fiscal Today President Biden released a summary of his Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 discretionary spending request, which includes a 16% increase in non-defense discretionary spending. The president is proposing $769 billion for civilian agencies and $753 billion for national defense programs, a 1.7% increase over fiscal 2021 defense spending. Congress and the White House are approaching the coming fiscal year unburdened by strict funding limits set by the 2011 Budget Control Act, which for a decade established caps on how much money Congress can spend. The current fiscal year, FY 2021, was the last year those limits applied. The full budget proposal, which will include proposals for mandatory spending and tax reform, will be released in the coming months. Details on federal employee pay were not included in the top-line numbers provided today. For the IRS, the administration’s request would provide the agency with $13.2 billion for FY 2022, an increase of $1.2 billion above the current level. This funding would be targeted to increasing compliance among high-income taxpayers and large corporations, and improving telephone and in-person services to taxpayers. The administration’s request also calls for providing an additional $417 million in enforcement funding via a program integrity cap adjustment, resulting in a total increase of almost $1 billion for IRS enforcement activities for FY 2022. At DHS, the President’s preliminary discretionary budget request provides over $1 billion for border and port infrastructure, including the modernization of land ports of entry that would ensure a robust and effective security screening to guard against human trafficking, the smuggling of illicit drugs, weapons or other unlawful goods, the entry of undocumented migrants and ensure more efficient processing of legal trade, travel, and commerce through the nation’s land ports of entry. |