SUMMARY: Employees of the Bureau of Land Management’s Northwest Oregon
District have voted for NTEU representation.
I am very pleased to report that employees of the Department of Interior, Bureau of Land
Management’s (BLM) Northwest Oregon District voted to affiliate with NTEU, and the FLRA
has now certified NTEU as the exclusive representative of these employees. Soon, I will have the
pleasure of officially chartering this third BLM chapter — Chapter 342 (BLM Oregon). This is
the culmination of the work of a persistent group of BLM Oregon employees who saw the value
in NTEU representation and chose to join forces with and help grow NTEU’s increasing BLM
presence. I also recognize and commend Chapter 341 President, Panchita Paulete who was
instrumental, with the assistance of the NTEU Organizing Department, in helping to make this
Chapter 342 will be placed in District 10 and will be represented and supported by the
Denver Field Office. Please join me in celebrating our latest chapter and welcoming our newest
BLM NTEU members.