Even John Oliver Is Alarmed by Schedule F
Even John Oliver Is Alarmed by Schedule FFederal employees are keenly aware of how important it is to maintain a civil service that is based on merit, but that message has now gone fully mainstream after the latest episode of the popular HBO Max show Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. Episode 15 of Season 11, broadcast Sunday night and now available online, celebrated the professionalism and experience of career federal employees while also warning millions of viewers of plans for the next Republican president to replace them with unqualified loyalists. “In fact, for all of Trump’s talk of wanting to get rid of the ‘deep state,’ Schedule F isn’t eliminating it, it is creating a deep state that is loyal to him and driving good people out of government, and people across the political spectrum have been raising alarms about this,” Oliver said. The show takes complicated federal personnel rules and explains them in a way that every American can easily grasp: Schedule F is about replacing nonpartisan government experts with people whose only qualification is their political affiliation. “Their goal here is clear. To assemble an army of vetted trained staff who can begin dismantling the administrative state from day one. Which is a little weird if you think about it. They’re assembling an army of future government bureaucrats who hate the government,” Oliver said. The episode, which includes profanity and some crude humor, is now available to non-cable audiences. Separately, two NTEU chapter presidents were interviewed for this HuffPost story about Schedule F that published on June 11. Vivian Hwa (Chapter 207-FDIC) and Malcolm Alexander-Neal (Chapter 337-CFTC), were quoted about federal employees’ dedication to the job and how another Schedule F would jeopardize their work. Visit nteu.org/schedulef for more information. |