The NTEU family has much to celebrate this Labor Day! Our membership is on the rise and that positions us well for building a brighter future for each other.
With the resurgence of organized labor across the country, workers from all industries and professions are finding their voices through organizing campaigns, union elections and collective bargaining. The American public is on board as well. The Pew Research Center reports most Americans agree that labor unions are a positive influence on the nation. That resurgence is visible in the public sector, too, where unions are growing in size and influence, including NTEU.
Together we are fighting back at FDIC to restore telework options. We successfully negotiated a compensation agreement with CFPB and are closing in on reaching a strong new agreement with CBP. At the IRS, we reached a midterm agreement locking in telework options and a robust awards program. At HHS, employees are using their new contract provisions to create a better work-life balance and to engage in collaborative efforts to improve the workplace. We have increased focus on labor-management relations at NPS, SAMHSA, and FDA to name a few. Our union is working together to improve the work lives of our members.
All around us, union members are standing their ground to get a better deal, proving once again that workers are stronger when we stand together. It is a joyful thing to see that on this Labor Day, workers, unions and our issues are front and center in the political debate. Candidates for public office, up and down the ballot, who understand and respect the importance of employees having a collective voice, are focused on issues important to working families such as wages, health care, and retirement security. As union members, we must stand with these candidates and elect leaders and help them keep the focus on the issues that are important to us and our families.
Honoring the dignity of work and coming together to fight for a fairer workplace and a better future is exactly what federal employees and NTEU members should celebrate on this Labor Day. When union members win, so does our country.
It is in that spirit of solidarity and optimism that NTEU recognizes and celebrates this special national holiday.
Happy Labor Day!

The NTEU family has much to celebrate this Labor Day! Our membership is on the rise and that positions us well for building a brighter future for each other.
With the resurgence of organized labor across the country, workers from all industries and professions are finding their voices through organizing campaigns, union elections and collective bargaining. The American public is on board as well. The Pew Research Center reports most Americans agree that labor unions are a positive influence on the nation. That resurgence is visible in the public sector, too, where unions are growing in size and influence, including NTEU.
Together we are fighting back at FDIC to restore telework options. We successfully negotiated a compensation agreement with CFPB and are closing in on reaching a strong new agreement with CBP. At the IRS, we reached a midterm agreement locking in telework options and a robust awards program. At HHS, employees are using their new contract provisions to create a better work-life balance and to engage in collaborative efforts to improve the workplace. We have increased focus on labor-management relations at NPS, SAMHSA, and FDA to name a few. Our union is working together to improve the work lives of our members.
All around us, union members are standing their ground to get a better deal, proving once again that workers are stronger when we stand together. It is a joyful thing to see that on this Labor Day, workers, unions and our issues are front and center in the political debate. Candidates for public office, up and down the ballot, who understand and respect the importance of employees having a collective voice, are focused on issues important to working families such as wages, health care, and retirement security. As union members, we must stand with these candidates and elect leaders and help them keep the focus on the issues that are important to us and our families.
Honoring the dignity of work and coming together to fight for a fairer workplace and a better future is exactly what federal employees and NTEU members should celebrate on this Labor Day. When union members win, so does our country.
It is in that spirit of solidarity and optimism that NTEU recognizes and celebrates this special national holiday.
Happy Labor Day!